InuYasha is a story that takes place back in the Feudal Era of
Japan, about a demon who is a half breed, and is torn between the desicion to become a full blooded human and live with the
love of his life, or become a full fledged demon, something he has wanted for forever. When he makes the desicion to become
human and live with his love, the Miko Kikyo who protects the Sacred Shikon Jewl of Four Souls which is to make him human,
the day she means to deliver it, she is tricked into thinking it was InuYasha who attacked her and stole the jewl. She hunts
him down, thinking it him because of an evil demon who transformed himself into InuYasha to get the jewl. She attacked him
for revenge, calling him a traitor and a theif. With the sacred arrows and bow she posseses, she pinned him to a monstrous
tree, trapping him. Soon after, because of the wound the fake InuYasha inflicted upon her, she dies.
Now, its 50 years later, and Kikyo has been reincarnated into a
15 year old girl named Kagome. She lives in Tokyo in present day, and discovers that in her grandfathers temple there is a
well. Being the reincarnation of the Miko Kikyo enabled her to pass through the well. She met InuYasha, and now they are on
a whirl wind adventure to find the jewl shards (for it shattered after being in the trickster demons possesion, in a battle
he lost, an arrow shattered it.) InuYasha soon falls in love with Kagome. She is also able to locate jewl shards, and they
meet friends along the way. It soon turns into a battle against various demons, and their nemesis, Naraku, the demon who pitted
InuYasha and Kikyo against eachother, 50 years ago.
So, watch the show, ok? its on Monday through Thursday, at 12:30
AM Eastern time. I hope you like it. ^_^