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I will have a TON of stuff on this page soon, just thought i should add it so yall know I WILL have LOTR stuff on my site.

Lord of the Rings, by J. R. R. Tolkien. Movies were directed by Peter Jackson. Personally, I LOVE LotR. Pretty muchly my fave movie series, other than Pirates of the Carribbean, and Harry Potter. Yes, I am a fiction geek, but thats ok.


The Main Cast
Bilbo Baggins - Ian Holm
Frodo Baggins - Elijah Wood
Meriadoc Brandybuck - Billy Boyd
Peregrin Took - Domonic Monaghan
Sam-wise Gamgee - Sean Austin
Gandalf the Grey / White - Sir Ian McKellen
Legolas of the Woodland Realm - Orlando Bloom
Aragorn - Viggo Mortensen
Gimli - John Rhys-Davies
Boromir - Sean Bean
Saruman - Christopher Lee

Peter Jackson is the director of the Lord of the Rings movies. He spent almost 4 years casting, getting costumes ready, and just setting up for the films. The films themselves were done all at the same time, and took 18 months. The movies were made in New Zealand, and all the buildings were made from scratch. Also, did you know that they made an actual Treebeard model that picks up Merry and Pippin? It wasn't all Computer Generation. I've seen it!!! Its pretty cool!! Anyways, Peter Jackson is now working on making the movie "The Hobbit" and a remake of "King Kong". Personally, I think I would be dumbstruck if I ever got a chance to meet him. In my opinion, he is one of the most talented directors I've seen in awhile! One of these days, I will make myself un-lazy and give you some of the links for some pretty awesome LotR sites. Enjoy!!
