Ok, so I went to this concert a few weeks ago (November 19, 2004),
and got to check out some pretty sweet music. I really think some of these people are goig to be famous someday! But, enough
about my opinions, Here we go.
First up, in no certain order, :
Paul Demay and the Jello Cubes
Now, I'm not quite sure about this band yet, but hey, they
were cool and the music was good. One of their songs was an original called: "My Name Is Bill". Everyone got a real kick out
of it. The band of sophomores has a line up like this:
Nick Thomas - Vocals, Bass
Nate Salmon - Guitar, vocals
Nate Sailor - guitar
Paul Demay - Drums
Now, I don't know where they got their name,
but hey, it's original enough.
Next Up:
Echoes of Tomorrow
They were awesome. Tom, the drummer, was just flying over his drumset.
He's a guy with longer hair, so that was flying all over too, which is awesome to know that a musician is totally engrossed
in the music. His glasses even flew off his face at one point, he was rockin' so hard. He's been playing drums for a pretty
long time now, self-taught. He's also in the Finals, I think, for like - the national drummers competition. Next guy, Matt,
plays guitar for the band. He graduated last year. During their stage time, he would switch between two guitars. One song
though, he told me, he really messed up on because he had only really learned it the night before. I didn't notice too much
though, I was listening to the band as ahwole. He's a pretty good guitarist, all in all. Justin, the bands bassist, is in
two bands. The other band is called Nihilism, which I will talk about later. Justin plays trupmet for school as well. And
sometimes, when he felt like it, he jumped up to a mike and sang a line or two with lead singer, Brian. It may seem like I
am focusing on this band, but I know alot about them (sorta) and they were my favorite. Anyways, the punkish styles of lead
singer Brian were awesome. He sounded like one of the guys from like - Blink 182 or Sum 41. And I have to hand it to him,
me being a female in a choir class, he could hit some notes I would never be able to, which I respect. He plays guitar in
the band as well, and like Matt switches between songs. With about half an hour of material, they had 3 original songs, and
sang a few others. Here is the lineup:
Thomas Gascon - drums
Brian Earl - guitar, vocals
Justin Fairbanks - bass guitar
Matt Cryderman - Guitar
From what Tom has told me, Echoes of Tomorrow has been hired to play
at a few bars here and there and next year will move on to even more. Hopefully it will work out for them and they won't stop
playing locally. But now, I will tell you about Nihilism.
One More Thing: Its so awesome! I wanted to get these guys' autographs,
because I think they will be famous someday! So I gave Tom a blank paper with 'Echoes of Tomorrow' on it, Tom being the only
one I see like everyday at school... Anyways, like later that month or whenever it was he gave me it back and all the guys
signed it and put some pretty interesting drawings on it. ^_^ Just thought I would share my thoughts....
Last on stage, HADREN definitely qualified as ''saving
the best for last.'' Considering I don't go to school with any of the members, I can't tell you much. What I do know, however,
is hat the gothic-punk style of the band rocked the school and got wuite a few people, including myself, headbanging, and
totally rocking out. Another thing I have to add is, I hold an utmost respect for the only girl in the band, Betsy McDonald.
She used to be lead singer, but is now the drummer for the group. Not many female drummers exist anymore, or go public, but
Betsy pulls it off nicely. She told me she's been playing for about 7 years now. HADREN plays at a local cafe alot, so they
get good publicity. I am assuming they play at bars here and there, but I couldn't be sure. Anyways, thats pretty much all
I know about them, but they have a site of their own, so check it out.
Here's the lineup:
Josh Thompson - vocals
Aaron McDonald - guitar, vocals
Betsy McDonald - drums
Mark Foley - Bass
Nihilism has been around for a couple years
now. The first I heard of them was 7th grade, and I'm a sophomore now. They have pretty much played at the high school every
year since 8th grade, and even performed for our choir class 8th grade year. With their hard rock style music, they remind
me a bit of Linkin Park. Dave screaming out the lyrics to rhe many songs they performed, the band earned a few head bangers
and close observers. With Sam on the drums, also self-taught, the sophomore set the rocking beat for the music. At the point
in time, they had another member, Lucas Gascon, but he's no longer in it for some reason. Justin plays some awesome bass for
this band, as well. The other guitar player, Tyler, rocks pretty well on his guitar. Here is their line up:
Dave D'Ambrossio(?) - vocals
Justin Fairbanks - Bass
Tyler Hillman - guitar
Sam Jensen - Drums